About Me

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
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My Story

I started this blog in a particularly challenging time, when my business was close to the edge.­ I was never really fond of putting myself in the middle, not even to think of marketing myself, but like they say, hard times call for hard measures. So here I found myself, writing this about section, trying to save my business somehow.
Everything started about 5 years ago. As a tech-savvy and curious young student, I started my bachelor's degree in Mechatronics in 2015 at the University Erlangen. Along the way, I was able to gain a little bit of insights into the “big players” at Siemens and Schaeffler.
During my time as a student, I have found myself interested in topics ranging from psychology to astronomy that change society and the lives of every individual. The unbelievable wealth of information from great people, which is available to us in this day and age largely free of charge, has always gripped me and I am thrilled by it every day over and over again. I am firmly convinced that everyone can take his life into his own hands and achieve what he wants, if he just goes through with it.
So, my beliefs and perceptions on different things have changed a lot during my studies. However, there was one common denominator. Life for me as an individual is always better when everyone else is better, too. From this understanding, step by step a mission was formed to change the world gradually a little bit each day.
At the beginning of 2019 it was finally time. With the mission to offer society a healthier, broader in perspective and above all more fulfilling life and to accompany each individual on his own path, with my roommate and best friend I founded LYTE Vapes.
At LYTE Vapes, we offer high quality electronic Vaporizer for the application of Aromatherapy. After almost two years of intense development and working like hell, we did manage to develop our first product. All of this at the same time as studying and working at a part time job. To this day, I have no idea how this was possible, but we did it somehow. In January 2020 we finally launched our first product, the PATH Vaporizer, and then…
...Nothing happened!
We got restricted from almost all advertising Platforms because the business we are in is related to the tobacco industry and our marketing plan for selling online failed. What do you do when something fails? Right, you try something else. Said and done, we went out to all CBD and tobacco stores we could find. As you can imagine selling for the first time with no experience and no one to guide you is quite a challenge, but we got it going somehow. Then suddenly the new COVID-19 virus arose only 3 months after our product launch and we were back to online. At this point we figured out some ways to market our product online and our sales were growing again until the end of 2020. We improved our product in the meantime and launched an incrementally improved Version of the PATH Vaporizer and produced a substantial number of devices.
Then in 2021 the new advertising laws in Germany took effect and we suddenly could not do any advertising anymore. Because of this we shifted away from paid advertising and fueled the word-of-mouth marketing, by delivering outstanding service and giving our customers more than what they paid for. Surprisingly this strategy worked out pretty well and we are continually growing right now, helping more and more people to live a healthier and more fulfilling life each and every day.
This blog is one try to get a crisp on people like you, awesome people, who are searching for new ways to improve themselves and the world. We put so much work and passion and love into everything we do and I want to show how you can too. I always wanted to put out the things I learned so far and I wish I knew way earlier in life. There are a lot of great books out there, where you can basically get the knowledge of a person's whole life in just a few hours. Go check out my recommended book list if you don’t know where to start. Also check out our company homepage www.lytevapes.com. We have a great product and to be honest without the vaporizer I literally would not be in the point in my life were I am right now. I am amazed every time again, how a little shift in perspective, can change your whole life for the better. With this blog I want to give something back to humanity and finally make this world a better place.
It's time for you to follow your path too. Join us on our mission for a more fulfilling life and let's find out what's possible
Yours sincerely,
Fabian Jost

LYTE Vapes

AT LYTE Vapes we believe that everyone should live a healthy and fulfilling life. Our Mission is to support you in achieving that.


I have always had a passion for engineering and the technology behind digital products. Because of that I finished my Bachelors degree in Mechatronics at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany.


As a student and by reading more and more books, I developed a passion for psychology. How the human mind works has fascinated me ever since and it is always striking to find out something new.
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