Microsoft Edges vertical tab feature is frankly speaking amazing and it is a shame we currently don’t have an equivalent implementation in firefox. The follwing guide shows you how to achieve it anyways.
Spoiler alert: It looks complicated, but is actually pretty easy.
First search for a firefox extension that displays tabs in the sidebar at
The one I am using is called Tree Style Tab
menu bar
to true
in the address lineProfile Directory
inside the chrome
folder with the following contentyour-profile-directory/chrome/userChrome.css
/* For usage with treestyle tabs */ sidebar-main { width: 0px; } /* Sidebar min and max width removal */ #sidebar-box { max-width: none !important; min-width: 0px !important; } /* Hide splitter, when using Tree Style Tab. */ #sidebar-box[sidebarcommand='treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action'] + #sidebar-splitter { display: none !important; } /* Hide sidebar header, when using Tree Style Tab. */ #sidebar-box[sidebarcommand='treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action'] #sidebar-header { visibility: collapse; } /* Shrink sidebar until hovered, when using Tree Style Tab. */ :root { --thin-tab-width: 10rem; --wide-tab-width: 24rem; } #sidebar-box:not([sidebarcommand='treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action']) { min-width: var(--wide-tab-width) !important; max-width: none !important; } #sidebar-box[sidebarcommand='treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action'] { position: relative !important; z-index: 10 !important; overflow: hidden; min-width: var(--thin-tab-width) !important; max-width: var(--thin-tab-width) !important; height: 100%; transition: all 500ms ease !important; } #sidebar-box[sidebarcommand='treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action']:hover { transition: all 500ms ease !important; min-width: var(--wide-tab-width) !important; max-width: var(--wide-tab-width) !important; margin-right: calc( (var(--wide-tab-width) - var(--thin-tab-width)) * -1 ) !important; z-index: 99; } #sidebar-box[sidebarcommand='treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action'] ~ #appcontent { margin-right: 0; margin-left: var(--thin-tab-width); } /* Ensure TST's content width resizes with the sidebar */ #sidebar-box[sidebarcommand='treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action'] .treestyletab-contents { width: 100% !important; transition: width 200ms ease !important; } /* Full screen */ #main-window[inFullscreen] #appcontent { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; }
In the above code, you can adjust the values of the following three variables to whatever suits you best.
:root { --thin-tab-width: 12rem; --wide-tab-width: 24rem; }
Now restart firefox and enjoy your vertical tabs!
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