Psychology & Mental Health
How Microdosing Changed my Life
Fabian Jost
Fabian Jost
March 28, 2021
3 min
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Table Of Contents

What is Microdosing?
Change Your Perspective
Stay Concentrated
Take Yourself out of the Equation
Why I Prefer a Vaporizer Especially for Microdosing?
How Microdosing Changed my Life

You probably know that situation all to well, you are working on something big for a long time and you feel exhausted. You feel stuck, like you can not see the light at the end of the tunnel. If that sounds familiar to you let me tell you how I completely changed my life by just implementing one simple thing called microdosing.

What is Microdosing?

Microdosing, is a technique of consuming only low doses of something to help enhance cognitive and creative functions without experiencing any negative effects.

Sounds great right? That is what people in Silicon Valley think as well and that’s why they already use it there in a lot of companies. Since we are selling Vaporizers, I thought I’ll give it a try and it indeed changed my life. So I took my Vaporizer and filled it just a little bit and here is what happened.

Change Your Perspective

You know sometimes you are just in the flow of doing something and everything just comes to your mind and at other times you are just stuck looking at your screen and don’t know what to write. Especially in these situations it is best to take a step back and look at everything from another perspective and that is exactly what microdosing does. You kind of get a view from a completely different angle on everything. You see that you are doing just fine actually and that you only need to adjust a few small things and you are good to go. You get a deeper and finally more connected view on the world and especially on your role in it.

Stay Concentrated

Strangely enough, you feel more motivated and concentrated. I think this is not because you are more concentrated in general. I think this is mainly because you are focusing on one specific task and forget about all the other things. You can think of it like swimming in a pool with a lot of small and big fish around you. There is not enough space for all the fish to swim freely and you get confused. Compare that with swimming in the open ocean. Even though there are more fish out there, you get to choose who you swim with and of course you swim only with the fish of your choice. So focus is the key here I guess. Focus on one task after the other. Mircodosing helped me determining which one is the most important and act on it. Small side note here: You can read more about the differences on important and urgent tasks in Stephen Coveys book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People from my list of recommended books.

Take Yourself out of the Equation

Finally what microdosing taught me and teaches me every time over and over again, is that I am not important for this world to function. Everything will work just fine without me. My view on the world is just one out of 8 billion and most likely it is not even correct most of the times. So relax, sit back, focus on your most important goals and on how you can improve the life of the people around you and you are fine. Because that’s what life is really about, helping others live fulfilling lives. With microdosing I can take a step back and look at everything from another point of view.

Why I Prefer a Vaporizer Especially for Microdosing?

This is just my pure honest believe and the reason why we are developing Vaporizers at all. There are just a few undeniable benefits about them. First of all of course they are much more efficient and the taste is much better. Second of all it is just more sleek and styling and it is much easier if you are traveling somewhere. You just grab it and put it in your pocket. But most importantly, it is the perfect tool for microdosing. You just turn it on and off whenever you want and then continue at a later point in time. Never worry about anything, just always easy fast and stylish. Why would I choose anything else?


Microdosing gives you a different view on what you are doing. Because you can see everything from a more distanced view, you can focus better on the important tasks and single out the others. This gives you freedom and most importantly the ability to help yourself and others live a better life.

Finally at least for me a Vaporizer is a perfect tool for that. Go check out if you are interested in what we are doing.


Fabian Jost

Fabian Jost

CEO of LYTE Vapes

I am the CEO of LYTE Vapes and I want to give something back to the people out there, things I wish I knew way earlier. Welcome to my blog.


B.Sc. Mechatronics

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